Dawn Harlow

The Book

The Book

Permission to Shine™ is a deeply heartfelt and honest memoir of my journey through womanhood from victim to victory.

I wrote the book for you and for me. It’s a heartfelt honest account of my journey overcoming abuse and the challenges I faced as a woman. It is a story of how I gave my power away in order to be loved and accepted. It is a story of a woman whom at her core who did not feel worthy of love, and if she did, it was sucked right out of her. It is a story of a woman who put everyone first and played small so as not to upset anyone or make people angry. It is a story of a woman who was programmed to think that everything about her was wrong, selfish, and her light should be dimmed in order to soothe the fragile egos of others. It is a story of what I assumed I should tolerate as a woman. It’s a story of overcoming narcissistic abuse, codependency, trauma and love addiction, and how it rocked my life to the core. I share with you how I rewrote the story of my life with kundalini yoga, and how it saved and changed my life. It is a story of transforming and awakening to the real me. Ultimately, it is a story of how all that glitters is not gold. I left a life some would dream of in order to follow my path. I went from model and socialite to realising my true destiny in life as a spiritual teacher, mentor and guide for both men and women globally.

Your story may differ from mine or it may fully align. No matter what the details are, we have the same story. It is a story of being a woman and how to empower yourself beyond the limitations of others and the self. If I can step out and share my truth, I feel you can transform too. I want you to Stop playing small and reclaim your power. I want you to recognise the signs and symptoms of narcissistic abuse, codependency, trauma and love addiction and know that it is not ok. You were not born to suffer!!! Your voice should be heard. You must stand up to be seen. I want you to have the courage to be wholly you and solely and unapologetically YOU. I want you to also know that by joining my community you are unconditionally loved HERE.

My story details a magic seen and unseen. when you are on your knees and you have nowhere to go, you pray, and the universe and angels respond. They do. I promise. You can heal your life. You are an alchemist as a woman. A powerful alchemist whose medicine already resides within. You just need to awaken to your magic. My book details the magic and how to conjure it in your own life and how to find freedom, empowerment, magic, and prosperity. Beautiful, I want you to know you are not alone and there is another path. Another life waiting for you. Let’s rewrite your story together. I am here. You just gotta have the courage to step up step out and shine!!! I have the magic formula.

Forever in love…

coming soon!

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